Disney’s The Little Mermaid
Inspired by the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, Disney’s The Little Mermaid tells a musical tale of curiosity, longing, bravery and adventure as Ariel makes a choice to leave her undersea mermaid family to explore what life and love are like for humans on dry land. Featuring songs from the beloved 1989 animated film by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken such as Part of Your World, Kiss the Girl, and the Oscar-winning Under the Sea, the stage adaptation features additional songs by Menken and Glenn Slater.
SFArtsED Gala Celebration Tickets (April 7)
The April 7 performance includes a closing-day gala. The ticket price includes access to a post-show reception and silent auction in the outdoor plaza of the Presidio Theatre. Gala tickets are $100 for adults, $50 for seniors/artists, and $25 for youth (17 and under).
The 2023-2024 SFArtsED Players
A hand-picked group of young performers, ages 9-14, collaborates with seasoned and passionate stage directors, choreographers, and vocal coaches:
Ashley Alvarado, Olina Amai, Jasmine Boyd, Shiuli Chambers, Belen Diwan, Owen Du, Lila Ellis, Leelee Finn, Anna Forlin, Andrea Gonzalez, Savvy Ingle, Mable Johnson, Maesie Kaan, Helena Kirschner, Oriana Jooss Moren, Ian Nguyen, Lily Normanly, Joss Pearlman, Sylvie Reavill, Marco Salan, Aida Samimi, Mia Schleifer, Fiona Schobert, Alaji Sey, Shaan Swaminathan, Julia Torre, Katherine Wilder, Hollis Wofford
Guest Artist: Diego Vaznaugh-Sanchez
Creative Team
The Players’ Artistic Director is Emily Keeler. The production’s director is Danny Duncan and the music director is Stefano Flavoni. The assistant director and choreographer is Erin Gentry. The dance instructor and choreographer is Laura Elaine Ellis. Vocal coaching and accompaniment is by Noah Bossert. Production design is by Stacey Ransom and Pete Belkin. Costumes are designed by Tiersa Nureyev. Stage Management is by Arianna Boostani.
About SFArtsED (The San Francisco Arts Education Project)
The San Francisco Arts Education Project was founded in 1968, and for fifty-plus years has stayed true to its mission: to enrich the lives of children by facilitating hands-on participation in the visual and performing arts—taught by practicing artists.